A best practice: The Government of Uganda upscales accessible lifelong learning spaces – Community Learning Centers

The Mpigi District Council Office towers above the communities, perched on a hill, about 60 kilometres from Kampala city centre. The Programme and Partnership Advisor (PPA), DVV International, Ms. Rita Kahurananga flanked by Joseph Kifampa, Programme Manager, DVV International Uganda were greeted with a warm smile at the entrance of the District Council by Annet Nabuuma, DCDO Mpigi District. It is noteworthy to see how the district Community Learning Centre has been maintained over the years. This care is echoed in the demeanour of the staff and officers and how they handle their duties.

One could not help but notice the poster promoting “equal opportunities” for all at the Parish level as we entered the DCDO’s office. Mainstreaming gender and inclusive programming are a hallmark of this district council. With much enthusiasm, the DCDO shared briefly the different programmes being administered by the council, specific to community development and social welfare at Community Learning Centres. Capacity building and skills development form a large component of the DCDO’s interventions. The Ministry of Labour, Gender, and Social Development (MGLSD) is the ministry taking the lead in administering Adult Learning and Education (ALE) in Uganda, in partnership with key stakeholders like DVV International at the macro, meso and micro levels. This cooperation was exemplified when about 50 stakeholders met during a four-day workshop convened by MGLSD, supported by DVV International Uganda from 20-23 March. The purpose was to review the draft version of the National Adult Learning and Communications Strategy (NALCES).

The stakeholder meeting was attended by key officials from the government, Non-governmental Organizations, Academia, and faith-based sectors. This workshop brought together representatives from more than 50 organisations in the field of ALE.

The first day focused on sharing updates on the national Integrated Community Learning and Education for Wealth (ICOLEW) programme led by the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD). There were opportunities to hear from the participants as well as key beneficiaries of the ICOLEW programmes and projects from around Uganda, whose stories were captured and interpreted during the workshop. The aim of this session was to encourage ALE stakeholders in Uganda to engage in the implementation of the national ICOLEW programme and support the MGLSD in their efforts to create lifelong learning opportunities at CLCs for individual and community development and growth.

For the full article, please follow this link: https://www.mojaafrica.net/en/magazine/the-government-of-uganda-upscales-accessible-lifelong-learning-spaces-community-learning-centers 

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