Community Learning Centers (CLC) are places of learning and community development, where a variety of Adult Learning and Education (ALE) services can be delivered to the community, such as functional adult literacy, livelihoods and business skills training, savings and credit schemes, libraries, agricultural and health services, etc. The Recommendation on Adult Learning and Education (RALE, UNESCO General Conference of 2015) states that ‘Adult learning and Education is a core component of lifelong learning’ and member states are advised to establish appropriate structures such as CLC for delivering ALE services, and at the same time, encourage adults to use CLCs for learning and development. Therefore, it is acknowledged CLCs have a strong role to play in ALE, and particularly in ALE service delivery at community level.
The CLC model was transferred from Morocco to Ethiopia through a peer learning process that was supported by DVV International. After adapting it to the local context in Ethiopia, and later in Uganda, it was piloted by both countries. Today, CLCs are recognized as hubs for lifelong learning that deliver a wide range of integrated services based on local community needs and national development agendas in these two countries. By creating places such as CLCs, ALE services can be delivered in an integrated manner with our partners. CLC forms one programme component in the national integrated ALE programmes in Ethiopia and Uganda. In Tanzania, the CLC model has been introduced through exchange visits to Uganda and Ethiopia and Tanzanian government as well as other key stakeholders in the ALE sector are appreciating the concept.
While in Uganda and Ethiopia governments put an emphasis on establishing CLCs country wide, Tanzania has launched its first CLC in December 2022. A second CLC will be launched early 2023. DVV International facilitates the process of further establishing and institutionalising CLCs in the three countries by organising exchange of experiences and peer learning among the three countries and also among Districts and regions within a country.