Curriculum globALE

What is Curriculum globALE?

Curriculum globALE (CG) is a cross-cultural, output-orientated core curriculum for training adult educators worldwide. It was developed jointly by the German Institute for Adult Education, Leibniz-Center for Lifelong Learning (DIE) and DVV International, the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association. In five modules, it describes the relevant skills needed to lead successful courses and provides guidance on their practical implementation.

The Curriculum is initially aimed at institutions and organisations in Adult Learning and Education (ALE) that wish to ensure a qualification level of their educators satisfying professional standards. As a quality-assuring reference framework, Curriculum globALE provides an international standard that also addresses other interested specialist audiences and education policy decision-makers beyond the level of adult education institutions.

Why CG in the region and next steps?

The Marrakech Framework for Action (MFA) highlighted the challenges of ALE in African states, which face persistent education challenges; adult illiteracy remains one of the biggest global problems and one of the main tasks for Africa. Therefore, professionalization of trainers through ToT (training of trainers) - literacy trainers and facilitators, will have special attention. The need to set standards and norms for educational provision or for teacher preparation institutions, are highlighted in many internationally recognised documents. While policies on education are quite developed in the field of children and youth education, ALE (adult learning and education) still lacks systematic efforts to develop common standards (knowledge and competencies) for the diverse teaching staff in ALE.

Based on manifold experiences and the significant improvement of the competences of adult educators, DVV International decided to introduce Curriculum globALE in all DVV International partner countries in East Africa. Necessary steps on the way of introducing Curriculum globALE are to implement a preparatory training module for relevant stakeholders. The training was hold in September 2022 with decision makers of key stakeholders from the three countries in the East/ Horn of Africa region. In this meeting it was decided on the criteria for the selection of master trainers who will undergo the five modules of the Curriculum globALE within regional trainings in 2024. These master trainers will be equipped in guiding the process of assessing needs and developing training concepts for the professionalisation of adult educators in their respective country. Training of trainers will be conceptualised for adult educators at different implementation and institutional level.

Curriculum Globale

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