Empowering communities through VSLAs and financial literacy

Supporting peer learning in Adult Learning and Education through exchange programmes

The Minister of Gender and Social Cultural Affair Launching MIS


DVV International has supported smaller projects in Uganda since 1985, and in 2014, DVV International and the Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development (MGLSD) including  its counterparts at local government’s levels formed a strategic alliance to advance ALE national programming through transforming ALE service delivery. The MGLSD with technical and financial support from DVV International, designed and piloted the programme “Integrated Community Learning for Wealth Creation” (ICOLEW) in four districts. The ICOLEW programme consists of several components like functional adult literacy, livelihoods skills training, business skills training, community development and establishment of Community Learning Centers (CLC). The goal of the collaboration was to systematically improve ALE whereby following the Adult Learning and Education System Building Approach (ALESBA). 

In Uganda, based on ALESBA, an analysis of the ALE system was carried in the pilot districts by using peer review approach. This assessment helped to develop evidence-based recommendations for a systematic strengthening of the existing ALE system

Main Focus of DVV International's Work in Uganda

Macro level

ALE in Uganda is guided among others by two key policies namely the National Adult Literacy Policy and the Community Development Policy. DVV International has supported the development of both policies financially and technically and at the same time supports their implementation mechanisms. DVV International plays a key role in assisting the MGLSD and its structures at district and sub-county levels in redesigning, piloting and upscaling of the integrated ALE structures and ICOLEW programme. By doing so, supporting the implementation of a comprehensive ALE system.

Meso level

DVV International introduced the MGLSD to a new methodology for integrated ALE service provision. Based on DVV International’s extensive experience in the field of ALE, DVV International played a strong advisory role when the ICOLEW programme was rolled out. This relates to material development, training of trainers and continued technical support to enhance technical and management processes, and institutional structures for the implementation of the ICOLEW Programme. 

Micro level

DVV International plays a key role in expanding ALE service delivery in Uganda, particularly by establishing Community Learning Centers (CLC) which supports that communities are able to access quality ALE services. Through micro-level interventions and trainings, the management and coordinating team at the CLC and local government level have been capacitated in integrated, multisectoral planning and budgeting to ensure the allocation of available resources and integrated ALE service delivery. 

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