Kibaha Dirstict preparatory meeting for CLC establishment

Launching ceremony of studies on existing ALE programme, Learning needs assessment and of ALESBA translated booklets in Kiswahili

Official Opening of the International Conference - follow up Conference on Confintea VII


DVV International has been promoting ALE in Tanzania for a long time. It used to provide scholarships to students taking ALE courses at Institute of Adult Education in Tanzania until the 1990s and later conducted outreach activities in the form of conferences, meetings and exchange visits. This is how a group of government and civil society stakeholders learnt about the regional Community Learning Centre (CLC) model and the Adult Learning and Education System Building Approach (ALESBA). Both, the working approach in the region as well as the CLC model was appreciated, and the Government of Tanzania expressed interest to work with DVV International on ALE system strengthening. ALESBA. This encouraged DVV International to approach the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and requested for funds to include Tanzania in the East/Horn of Africa profile along similar objectives as the other two countries in the region.

Today, the key strategic partners of DVV International in Tanzania are the Ministry of Education Science and Technology (MoEST) and the President’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG)

Main Focus of DVV International's Work in Tanzania

Macro level

DVV International provides particularly technical support to the MoEST and PO-RALG to assess and develop further the implementation of the national programme “Integrated Community Based Adult Education” (ICBAE). In this respect DVV International works closely together with the two Ministries and its decentralised structures in the ALE programme framework and system development and therewith strengthen the enabling environment, structures and processes for quality ALE service delivery. Further, DVV International supports the establishment of a national technical working group on ALE consisting of representatives from government sector offices, civil society and academic actors at the national level to enhance coordination in the ALE sub-sector.

Meso level

DVV International provides technical support in the form of training, mentoring and exchange visits to make ALE structures functional and sustainable by ensuring institutional and individual capacities are available as needed. DVV International conducted a needs assessment among technical and managerial staff to identify existing capacities in ALE and provide targeted training and organisational development measures. A short course in ALE methodologies based on Curriculum GlobALE (CG) has been piloted at the Folk Development Colleges. The comprehensive implementation of the CG is planned for the new project phase 2023 – 2025 to strengthen professionalisation in the country. 

Micro level

At the micro level, DVV International supports in two core areas in the two pilot regions: 1) implementation of functional integrated adult literacy; 2) establishing places where young people and adults have access to a variety of integrated ALE services. These are local CLC or similar existing structures like Folk Development Colleges which are upscaled to address community needs more comprehensively. These micro-level pilots will ultimately shape the decisions for further evidence-based influence decision making in ALE at the macro-level.

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