DVV International has started its system-strengthening activities for sustainable adult learning education to strengthen educational opportunities for youth and adults.
DVV International conducted a baseline study on Adult Learning Needs and Demands in two regions namely Dodoma and Coast to serve as a baseline for its pilot interventions in these two regions. The report will provide fact and figures on the assessment of 1) perception of current users of ALE services (who benefited from ALE services in the last three years); 2) the need/demand for ALE services from both existing as well as potential new users; and compare the needs of learners with the services delivered through the existing national Government programs.
The Integrated Community Based Adult Education (ICBAE) is the national literacy and post-literacy education programme for adults and youth in Tanzania, implemented by the Tanzanian Government. Although it is the main adult education programme in the country there has not been any recent study conducted to assess its implementation and achievements. This study has been conducted in two regions, Dodoma and Coast to assess the status of implementation of the programme. The reports provide following information: 1) implementation structure of ICBAE programme: 2) effectiveness of the methodologies implemented within ICBAE programmes; 3) resources made available for programme implementation and 4) quality assurance mechanism for ICBAE programme.
ALESBA is a conceptual framework that captures the elements and building blocks of a comprehensive ALE system. System building includes the process of assessing and diagnosing the system and finding alternatives to improve the system, test the improved design, make adjustments and scale up interventions to reach a wider target group in a larger geographical area, e.g., nation-wide.