A legacy: integrated functional adult learning programmes in Ethiopia scaled up nationally.

In the East/Horn of Africa region and Ethiopia in particular, DVV International works in bilateral agreement with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation and the Ministry of Education as technical partners.  The Ethiopian country office is based in Addis Ababa and focuses on assisting government partners at federal, regional, and woreda levels to implement Integrated Functional Adult Education (IFAE) programmes, combining adult literacy with livelihoods and life skills training.  We follow a System Building approach with its phases and tools that systematically assist the government to put an adult education system in place with all the necessary building blocks that can deliver adult education services as per the needs of the target group.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Education and technical and financial assistance from DVV International in Ethiopia, the Regional Education bureaus have implemented pilot community learning centres (CLCs) in 11 woredas (districts) in six regions in the country. In Ethiopia, key outcomes have been realized in terms of rolling out effective integrated adult learning and education programmes that contributed to sustainable livelihoods nationally.

As a result of these achievements, the bureaus set about scaling up the learnings and experiences gained from the pilot projects. These CLCs have since been replicated throughout their administrative jurisdictions aligned to the DVV International system building approach. The Ministry of Education has now incorporated the CLC strategy to promote integrated functional adult learning education throughout the country.

Please follow this link for the You Tube video: 

In the East/Horn of Africa region and Ethiopia in particular, DVV International works in bilateral agreement with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation and the Ministry of Education as technical partners.  The Ethiopian country office is based in Addis Ababa and focuses on assisting government partners at federal, regional, and woreda levels to implement Integrated Functional Adult Education (IFAE) programmes, combining adult literacy with livelihoods and life skills training.  We follow a System Building approach with its phases and tools that systematically assist the government to put an adult education system in place with all the necessary building blocks that can deliver adult education services as per the needs of the target group.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Education and technical and financial assistance from DVV International in Ethiopia, the Regional Education bureaus have implemented pilot community learning centres (CLCs) in 11 woredas (districts) in six regions in the country. In Ethiopia, key outcomes have been realized in terms of rolling out effective integrated adult learning and education programmes that contributed to sustainable livelihoods nationally.

As a result of these achievements, the bureaus set about scaling up the learnings and experiences gained from the pilot projects. These CLCs have since been replicated throughout their administrative jurisdictions aligned to the DVV International system building approach. The Ministry of Education has now incorporated the CLC strategy to promote integrated functional adult learning education throughout the country. 

In the East/Horn of Africa region and Ethiopia in particular, DVV International works in bilateral agreement with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation and the Ministry of Education as technical partners.  The Ethiopian country office is based in Addis Ababa and focuses on assisting government partners at federal, regional, and woreda levels to implement Integrated Functional Adult Education (IFAE) programmes, combining adult literacy with livelihoods and life skills training.  We follow a System Building approach with its phases and tools that systematically assist the government to put an adult education system in place with all the necessary building blocks that can deliver adult education services as per the needs of the target group.

In collaboration with the Ministry of Education and technical and financial assistance from DVV International in Ethiopia, the Regional Education bureaus have implemented pilot community learning centres (CLCs) in 11 woredas (districts) in six regions in the country. In Ethiopia, key outcomes have been realized in terms of rolling out effective integrated adult learning and education programmes that contributed to sustainable livelihoods nationally.

As a result of these achievements, the bureaus set about scaling up the learnings and experiences gained from the pilot projects. These CLCs have since been replicated throughout their administrative jurisdictions aligned to the DVV International system building approach. The Ministry of Education has now incorporated the CLC strategy to promote integrated functional adult learning education throughout the country.

For the full video, kindly follow this youtube link: youtube.com/watch?v=ZzDBU_ZCxw 

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