DVV International Tanzania celebrates International Literacy Week in Kibaha District, Coastal Region.

DAY 1 - DVV International celebrates International Literacy Week and launches the Kibaha CLC in the national in Kibaha, Coastal Region.


To commemorate this occasion, Kibaha District, in partnership with DVV International and other stakeholders in adult education development, inaugurated the Community Learning Center in Mtambani Ward at Ruvu JKT Primary School on October 11, 2023.The guest of honor that graced this auspicious occasion is the Director of Education, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, supported by the Kibaha District Commissioner, key officials from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) as well as from the President’s Office – Regional Administrative, and Local Government (PoRALG). The event was well celebrated as adult learners recited poems, out-of-school youth sang songs, and the attendees were treated to an excellent drama session that raised much awareness on the importance of Adult Learning and Education. There were five media houses that covered the event, with about 32 media hits on Television, radio, and print media.

During the event, the Regional Director, DVV International emphasised that this was the fourth CLC launch (mentioning the other CLCs in Kisarawe, Kongwa, and Mpwapwa Districts across the country). She said that the kick-off of this CLC in Kibaha would provide ample opportunities to youth and adult learners alike to acquire/strengthen skills that will contribute to their socio-economic growth and sustained livelihoods. 

The CLC is located in Mtambani Ward, consisting of a total population of 12,427 represented by 2,860 households within five villages. Currently, there are 20 adult learners’ groups totaling 360 learners, and some of their activities include agriculture and livestock farming, poultry, as well as batiq, soap, and knitting production.

Day 2: The International Literacy Week Conference

DVV International participated in the one-day ILW conference that was well-attended by key government officials (the District Adult Learning and Education Officers – DAEOs) from various districts and regions around the country.

The conference was officially opened after the Guest of Honor for this event, the Director for Basic Education – MoEST shared his opening remarks. He cited the alarming statistics regarding the growing number of illiterate populations in Tanzania, and the urgency to intervene and create programmes and projects that are best suited to their needs.

Panel session 1: The importance of Adult and Non-Formal Education in Tanzania, moderated by Dr. Sanga.

Key speakers included the following panellists: Dr. Kanukisya from the University of Dar Es Salaam (UDSM) gave an overview of the excerpt taking from his scholarly journal “perceptions and misconceptions of Adult Learning and Education;” Matteo Mwita, DVV International who shared a brief on how DVV International Tanzania is contributing towards professionalization of ANFE in Tanzania; he described the Curriculum Globale (CG) training of trainers cascade model and shared key updates on what the learning outcomes and objectives of these trainings will be and the impact on quality service delivery of ANFE in Tanzania; The high-level official from PoRALG focused on service delivery; the Quality Assurance Officer MoEST gave a brief on the key aspects, processes, and description of some of the tools used to monitor ANFE across Tanzania; Dr. Mwaikokosya from the UDSM gave an overview of key focus priorities related to gender, inclusion, digital technologies, and other cross-cutting thematic areas that must be considered when rolling out ANFE in Tanzania.

Panel session 2: Key stakeholders and their contribution towards promoting ALE in Tanzania, moderated by Dr. Sanga, UDSM.

Panellists were represented by the Civil Society Organizations, together with members from the government sector. The Executive Director of Karibu Tanzania Organization (KTO) started the session by sharing the main interventions that KTO are implementing across Tanzania, especially its involvement in system strengthening of non-formal education through close collaborative efforts with the Vocational Education Training (VETA). He shared that key joint implementation strategies are in place to support the Folk Development College structure, strategic planning, and learning outcomes at the FDCs, and how the organization, in partnership with the government, is looking for innovative solutions to youth and adult learners’ needs. The next panellist was the Regional Monitoring Officer from Tanzania Education Network (TENMET) who gave an overview of the vast reach of its members who are more than 200 across the country. He cited that ANFE is now within their strategic mandate to promote and advocate for the rights of youth and adult learners to quality education that meets their needs.

Day 3: The ILW Closing ceremony.

The event was colourful and bright, as different organizations welcomed high-level dignitaries to their well-displayed exhibitions. The day started with the Deputy Permanent Secretary who visited the DVV International stand, and DVV Staff lead by the Programme and partnership Advisor (DVV International) shared some of the activities. Adult learners’ groups displayed their colourful batiqs, food stuffs as well as fresh produce. The stand was also visited by the Honorable Minister for Education who showed a keen interest in the learners’ groups, and to learn more about the work of DVV International in Tanzania.

The day culminated with an opportunity for high level dignitaries invited from the Civil Society, UN agencies (UNESCO), as well as UNICEF to join the Minister at the high table. Matteo Mwita gave an overview of the work of DVV International in Tanzania and shared a deeper understanding of the implementation strategy for CLCs in the different locations in Dodoma and Coastal regions.

The closing remarks were shared by the Minister who was very keen to see ANFE prioritized in the development Agenda for Tanzania. He once again reiterated the importance of ANFE in Tanzania, referring to the alarming statistics on youth and adults who are illiterate in the country. He stressed that the DAEOs are mandated to support and promote ANFE, and that the key sustainable factors include improved facilities, and quality service delivery. He thanked all who attended the closing ceremony, and thanked DVV International and KTO for their contributions towards ANFE in Tanzania. He cordially invited DVV International to meet with him in the future to prioritise ANFE as a specific agenda. DVV International supported the planning, execution, and provided resources for the ILW event, and was an active member of the ILW joint Steering Committee lead by MoEST.

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