Kampala, Uganda, April 14 - A high-level visit of three Board members of DVV International Head Quarters in Germany is in Uganda to assess the organisation’s work in supporting the country’s Adult Learning and Education development efforts.
The team of three members of the Executive Board of DVV International together with Regional Office officials visited Uganda for three days from 14th April 2024 and interacted with key officials from the Government of Uganda, the diplomatic community, multilateral agencies, and civil society, as well as beneficiaries in Namayingo, Nwoya, and Rukungiri districts.
Prior to a field visit, the visitors held a meeting that was presided over by Director James Ebitu representing the Permanent Secretary Aggrey David Kibenge. The meeting aimed to:
- Follow up on the ongoing collaboration between DVV International and the Government of Uganda in relation to Adult Learning and Education (ALE) service delivery in Uganda.
- Update the visiting delegation on the achievements ensuing from the joint partnership to deliver ALE in Uganda.
- Learn first-hand about the existing partnership between the German Adult Education Association (DVV International) Uganda Country office and the Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD).
The partnership between the Government of Uganda and DVV International has existed since 2015. However, DVV International, which is a leading organisation globally in adult education and development cooperation, has had a presence in Uganda since as early as 1985 supporting the professionalization of ALE with various institutions of learning.
The meeting between the leadership of DVV International and the MGLSD was an opportunity to showcase DVV International’s contribution towards improving adult learning opportunities for Ugandans. For example, the Integrated Community Learning for Wealth Creation Programme (ICOLEW), resulted from partnership between the two bodies (DVV and MGLSD). ICOLEW began with communities in four pilot districts – Nwoya, Namayingo, Iganga and Mpigi. The districts of Runkungiri and Mityana were added along the way. The programme has transformed the lives of the people in these communities.
Mr. James Ebitu, speaking on behalf of the Ministry, reassured the partners from DVV International of the government’s commitment to the ICOLEW Programme, which is transforming the lives of Ugandans. The positive working environment that exists will ensure the full realization of the partnership objectives, as well as the sustainability of the programme. The representatives from DVV International also expressed their commitment to continuing the collaborative efforts with the government of Uganda with the shared goal of creating sustainable and impactful adult learning solutions. The meeting concluded with a handover of certificates of recognition from ICOLEW to DVV International delegates.
We are delighted to host members of the Executive Board and The Director of DVV International. The visit is a great opportunity for us to showcase how we are working with the Government of Uganda and other partners to help achieve both the national and global development agendas. (Ms. Frauke Heinze, Regional Director of East/Horn of Africa, DVV International).